Wednesday, February 27, 2008

5,4,3,2,1: race day

this is my last post before race day.

i meant to have more stuff, but things were really busy with race check-in, equipment readying, course surveying, and race day logistics planning. add to that some frustrating correspondence regarding academics and work, doses of personal issues, and chaos on the future front, and things have been a little less than laid-back. in fact, it's been an emotional roller-coaster.

and it didn't help that i got some rejection messages for several post-doc applications while i've been here. kind of depressing.

in short, it's been a little stressful.

at the very least, New Zealand is beautiful. and people here are so nice. everyone is so supportive and it seems like the entire town of Taupo is out to make sure we're having the best experience possible. i could get used to this.

i've got everything set for race day. everything else is going to have to wait until later.

for anybody who wants to follow along, the race will be webcast at:

and you can track me live at:

you can check out the course at:

my race number is #210. the race starts at 7am New Zealand time on Saturday, March 1.

they're predicting misty/cloudy conditions, with temps in the 60s. sounds ideal. but we'll see about winds.

i'm not at 100% for this race. my back is still bothering me, and i'm dreading doing the swim and bike with this back.

but whatever. things are what they are. there's nothing i can do about it. all i can do is just go.

and pop an Advil every hour.

yeah, suckage.

but the state of the world is suffering. all we can do is seek enlightenment.

and when this is done...oh, will they sing songs of me in Valhalla.


M said...

I am sending all my postive thoughts over to NZ! You will be fantastic!!!!!!

Trihardist said...

I'll be watching and tracking as I can, and praying for the enlightenment you seek.