Velo-City 2009 is an international conference (well, actually, just in Europe) held annually (this year it will be May 12-15 in Brussels, Belgium) to encourage bicycles and cycling as an alternative mode of transportation in urban areas, with the goal of providing a forum for cycling enthusiasts to meet as well as hosting a conference enabling cities to develop better cycling-friendly policies.
sounds pretty good to me.
now again, why isn't there anything like this in the U.S.?
cycling-related fatalities keep rising in the U.S., with an alarming escalation in hostile driver-cyclist encounters. and the cycling conditions in most U.S. cities (particularly here in Los Angeles) are NOT bicycle-friendly, no matter how much local governments claim it is. seriously, i sometimes have to laugh when i see the streets L.A. city government has identified as "bike-friendly." half the time they're pothole-laden, filth-ridden, high-traffic, high-speed, high-tension death lanes only usable by the foolhardy or the courageous--something entirely contrary to any plans of promoting bicycles as a safe, eco-friendly, traffic-easing, enjoyable form of transportation.
for some relevant links regarding the state of urban cycling in America, check out the following sample:
- http://bicycling.suite101.com/article.cfm/examining_the_rise_in_us_bicycle_fatalities
- http://www.bikesbelong.org/safetystats
- http://bicycleuniverse.info/transpo/almanac-safety.html
- http://www.bicyclinginfo.org/
there are also organizations that attempt to motivate public pressure on government regarding cycling-related policies. Los Angeles, in particular, has the Los Angeles County Bike Coalition (LA-Bike.org). but again, it doesn't provide what Velo-City does, which is provide a location where multiple city governments can work together to establish common policies to improve cycling conditions.
the reason i think this is important is because i think part of the problem in the U.S. is that cycling-friendly supporters are operating in a fragmented pattern, with disjunctures in agendas and strategies targeted at a random array of objectives in disconnected locations. the result has been a watering down of energy, commitment, and awareness, and a suppression of whatever momentum potentially exists to create substantial, permanent, beneficial change. i think greater coordination (by both non-government and government supporters) would provide better support, greater resources, more energy, more commitment, more awareness that could better advance cycling-friendly agendas and strategies...which is exactly what Velo-City is doing.
if anybody out there (Los Angeles, U.S., Europe, wherever) is considering on starting Velo-City (or anything like it) in the U.S., let me know. because i'd certainly want to go, and because i think it would really help improve cycling conditions in this country.
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