another holiday season. another year of holiday crowds in holiday panic with holiday sprees for holiday things to bring holiday cheer on holiday celebrations for holiday times.
i'm less than enthused.
in a lot of ways, i'm actually disturbed.
ostensibly, this time of year finds ties across multiple faiths originating in locations that mark now as the passage into the depths of winter to see within in its darkness the visage of the unknown and find therein an understanding of the fragility of life and take from it a reminder of the profound mystery that lies beyond death and from that come to know the truths known only to the stars beckoning forth in a cold night sky.
and i consider that important.
because in a world so driven by the manic frenzy of a synthesized culture of inflated consumption driven by engorged desire, the compulsion becomes to satiate the self. to the point that we lose sense of all else outside our cravings. including all else lost to feed them--all else lost, not just in terms of what, but also in terms of whom.
it measures the price of our consumption, our cravings, our selfishness, by the cost of other's lives.
and that is very high.
and for those who have committed themselves to undertaking journeys for the purpose of discerning creation's truths, this is insulting.
because it ignores the encroaching darkness, blinds itself to the unknown, forsakes the flicker that is life to a final surrender in death, and denies the truths meant to guide us through the infinite cold of eternity.
because it prevents us from seeing the stars in the sky.
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